A Punch of Canna Color &#0153

Canna Lemon Punch

Canna Maui Punch







We proudly introduce two long blooming, compact cannas for your enjoyment. With these new selections, we’d like to take you back
to the 1950’s when life was less complicated and families spent weekends and holidays in their garden, entertaining family and friends,
eating good, wholesome food and drinking homemade, thirst quenching summer punches from a punch bowl. Selected by tropical
breeding magician Brian Williams, these new cannas add the perfect Punch of color to any planting or container combination,
giving you a truly tropical feel on a much smaller scale with super saturated, all summer color. Plant these new selections and enjoy
a Punch of cannas so colorful, you’ll be forced to sit back, relax and enjoy a lovely tropical beverage while gazing into your garden.